Well now today really needs to be told in pictures! My day started EARLY I didn't want to hit rush hour traffic again so I left about 6:20am and made it there in record time (like 20 till 8, yeah 2 hours before the show. BUT who should wander by but Fiskateer Legend Wendy Jo so she kept me company (as she was waiting to get in as well.)
Once the floor opened we were off with a bang. I found my pal Joanne Saumels and we were walking together and ran into Fiskateer Lead Cheryl and paused for a photo op infront of the Northridge booth.
I wanted to do make and takes today so that's what I did! I stopped by the Tim Holtz/Ranger area and made a cute birdcage necklace Joanne, cool thing about that is I had been wanting a bird cage necklace and didn't want to pay the $20 for it...so much better I got to make one! We also played at the Beadalon booth making twirled wire beads while waiting for Margot Potter (to sign her new book!)
When we were done with Beadalon, we ran over to the Creative Options booth cause they were doing a drawing I won a tackle box (Creative options is owned by Plano Molding they make tackle/tool boxes) that got promptly taken over my pal Maxine (yes she just whipped out her phone showed me a picture of her landing this HUGE fish and took the tackle box out of my hands ...LOL)
From there we went to the CHA Minute to craft it challenge. Where Maxine and I were both picked to compete! (There was another gal named Susan she was from Canada) that rounded out the competition. We had 10 minutes to create "something" out of one of those clear boxes (like you would store a beanie baby in) It was still competition and all of us won really cool prizes Maxine got a Pink Paislee gift bag filled with goodies, I don't remember Susan's prize but I WON the CHALLENGE and got a $100 assortment of Faber-Castell items! 

Two kits-one to create an art journal and one to do a mixed media canvas, plus all their new gelato colors and a couple of other sets of tools. I had been dreaming of getting that stuff it was so wonderful to WIN IT!
Joanne and I stopped by the Faber-Castell booth when I was done just so I could thank them for the wonderful prizes. I also wanted to do their make and take to learn how to use all that stuff!!!
From there we went to the Bazzill booth to see Miz Angela and Miz Rebecca (fabulous lead Fiskateers) dressed to the nines in fabulous paper dresses made out of entirely bazzill products! They were wonderful.
After this we split up I had a blogger/press event for Provo Craft. It was their Cricut "make and greet." A lot more "low key" than they usually do but fun no the less. Joanne had to head home to clean up her leaky air conditioner :(
Following the Provo/Cricut event I got to play with Plaid paints and paint a flower (the only problem with that is the guy had the same look on his face as my art teacher did when I tried to paint (that ohh I need to be encouraging so I can't let my expression look anything but.) Then wandering by Wallnut Hallow found they had an unclaimed spot in their make and take class. I snatched it up because we were going to get to use one of the Top 20 CHA picks their new "card keeper box. The class was to decorate one of their new boxes. They hold standard A2 sized cards and who doesn't need to organize their cards! We used glimmer mist and prima resist papers and flowers fun stuff. I liked the way mine turned out!
Finishing up my day of make and takes I created a necklace at the "I love to create" booth. We used their press and stick adhesive to create a cute necklace out of a washer, beads, charms and glitter!
Crazy day but my hands are green and I'm sparkly with pink glitter so it must have been a fabulous day!
A few of the day's make and takes (along with my stamp and bracelet from Photocentric :)